Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Find your inner Pollock

Abstract artist Jackson Pollock was known for his drip painting technique.

You can create your own masterpiece online at www.jacksonpollock.org. When you arrive at the site, there's no introduction or instruction...just a blank canvas. (Seems appropriate.) Move your mouse around to begin painting. To change colors, click. When you're satisfied, drag your mouse away from the browser window and take a screenshot of your painting.

Use it as a background for a layout or do as I did and make it your blog's banner. Fun!



Sharon Delman said...

Can you share how were you able to save the "painting"? This is a great idea! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

How fun.. I can think of many uses for this!

Sharon - You can save it by doing a screenshot. Hit the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard and then paste into a graphics program.

Carrie said...

so how does the print screen button work exactly? I tried this and can't figure out what to do next. Any step by step instructions would be helpful. I have Photoshop elements would this work?