Fall is here! Fall is here! My favorite season... the leaves turning, the crisp mornings, the smell of smoke from our neighbor's woodstove (or is that a batch of cookies I left in the oven?). And in the midst of all this seasonal splendor, we're asking you to... think spring!
That's right. We're in search of spring-y layouts and projects to include in our April/May 2009 issue. Here's what we need from our talented readers:
T3: Tips, Techniques and Tutorials
Our hands-on how-to column, "T3," features both cutting-edge techniques from our Creative Team and tips and tutorials from our talented readers. For this issue, we're looking for:
* Spring! Share your layouts about spring holidays and traditions, warm-weather fashion, spring sports... anything that makes us "think spring."
* Shape! Do you have a special tip for using shapes in a layout? A layout featuring strong shapes? A layout or project that's a shape other than a rectangle or square? Send it our way!
Tips. Have you found a great way to use layer blending modes? A quick fix for less-than-perfect photos? Send us your tips of 50 words or fewer on any digital scrapbooking subject, along with a layout or project that illustrates the tip in action.
Techniques. Busy scrapbookers are always looking for ways to make scrapbooking quicker and easier. Send us your time- and stress-saving tricks, along with a layout or project that shows how you've used them to create.
Tutorials. Send us your projects featuring intermediate- to advanced-level techniques, along with complete instructions for achieving the look.
We also welcome layouts on other themes or topics, and we're always in search of seasonal photography and awesome new ideas.
Are You Cover Material?
We're looking for simply amazing reader layouts to feature on our cover. For consideration, layout should have the following:
* a single large, well-composed photo of one (or, at the most, two) subjects, preferably making eye contact with the camera
* "only with digital" techniques combined with a clean overall design
* legible title and minimal journaling
* seasonal focus—for this issue, we'll be looking for spring shots, featuring seasonal clothing and activities.
Please submit no more than three layouts to this call.
The deadline for all April/May submissions is October 26.
How to Submit:
- Save a low-resolution version of your image as a JPEG file no larger than 150K.
- Attach image to an e-mail addressed to digital.scrapbooking.mag@gmail.com Include "T3" or "Cover" in subject line.
- Include your name, e-mail address, street address (including city, state, country and postal code).
- Write a materials list including names of all products and fonts. Include kit titles, designer names and the web site that sells the product (if applicable).
- Provide the name of the photo-editing software used to create the layout (e.g., Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, LumaPix FotoFusion, Scrapblog).
Thank you, and we're looking forward to seeing your work!